Tang (seaweed) is a known material in Odsherred and is a unik part of the beaches there, with it dark carpets along the shore and its distinct smell. However, seaweed is more than what catches the eye – it is valuable resource and an important part of the ecosystem of the beach. The Tang Festival is thus an invitation for the whole family, to experience seaweed on sensual and aesthetic levels – both as a resource and material. This evening- event at the beach – Korævlerne – will be an experience of international art and performance, a presentation on seaweed and seaweed food.
Artists and participants, Tracing the Pathway, Neil Callaghan, Patty Bloomer, Wahshi Kuhi, Oleg Koefoed and food by Laure Sofie Zander.
Tang Festival was part of Geopark Festival 2015 and produced by Thomas Burø