Stuck in Places is an exploration that attempts to be affected by the environment I am stuck within – what I am connected to. It functions both as a place for contemplation as giving space to the ecological process we live within (wind, weather, materials, critters and many more).

The performance took place Performance Platform in Earling Broadway, London, where I spent the day finding objects from the local vicinity. I found a long branch, a shoe, a broken trolley, a Peppa pig card, autumn leaves, live sculpture drawings (from the class next door), plastic band. I also used light sources from the heaters already in the space when I arrived.

I wanted to put emphasis on what is here and I spent a lot of time pointing out what was here and there “this is here… this is here…you are here…they are there”. I got a cigarette from an audience member, I had the door open to the outside (people stuck their head inside), i moved the objects around, so they now were “there and there”.

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